A New Guide for PPC Advertising for Dentists

Online advertising may not seem to be something for dentists and the rest of the medical field. However, dental clinics are still businesses that need to promote to gain patients. So they also have to step up their game in advertising themselves.

When you want to sell your products and services, you should go where the people are. Now, almost everyone is on the internet. So old-school methods such as putting up posters and giving out fliers are no longer enough. 

Dental advertising has to embrace new ways to put itself out there.

What Are Dental Advertising Trends This 2022?

Advertising changes a lot on both online and offline platforms. Some methods that worked before may not be as effective now. So it is crucial to stay up to date with the recent trends. 

This also applies to the dental industry. The goal is to promote your practice and share information. You do not have to limit yourself to one advertising strategy. 

Using a combination of platforms available to you to get the best results is an excellent strategy. Go for the methods that can help you attract a significant portion of your target audience and convert them into clients.

Here are some dental advertising strategies that can help you achieve your goals this year:

Content and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Posting and optimizing original content for search engines increases brand awareness and engages your audience. Optimizing your content ranks you higher on the results pages.

Meanwhile, your content will help them know who you are and how good you are in your field. People want to know more than your products and services. They also want information they can rely on.

Social Media

Originally made to help people connect, businesses now use social media for advertising themselves. You can directly talk to your audience through comments and direct messaging.

It is a great platform to make people hear your brand voice. The content you will share can give your audience a glimpse of who you are. They can be in the form of infographics or short clips.

Google My Business (GMB)

GMB allows you to manage your Google business listing or business profile. Without it, you will not be able to use it to help you increase your search engine rankings and generate leads.

If you optimize your GMB, you can rank higher on Google Maps. It makes you more visible. People looking for your services will get your operation hours, contact information, address, and direction.

Using Google Ads is a type of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. These ads are text-based; they show up on top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). This strategy allows you to be highly visible even without organic SEO efforts.

One of the advantages of Google Ads and other PPC ads is that they are easy to set up. They also generate faster results. Moreover, they are cost-effective—you have to pay only when people click on them.

How to Use PPC Advertising This 2022?

As the world moves on from the pandemic, this is the perfect time to advertise your practice. People are getting back on their feet. They must have put aside a lot of things during the past two years and are ready to pick them up once again.

One of these things is dental care.

Launching a PPC campaign is the best way to get ahead of the competition. As mentioned above, it is straightforward, quick, and affordable. You can launch it right away and start reaping the outcome in about a week.

PPC ads are also not limited to Google. You can also create paid ads on social media platforms. However, there are things you should keep in mind and understand to execute an effective PPC campaign properly.

Have a Solid Keyword Strategy

Many businesses make the mistake of using popular keywords in their copy. However, ranking with these keywords will result in high competition and costs.

Digital Authority Partners said it is better to focus on specific and long-tail keywords than generic ones. Another thing is to set negative keywords to keep your ads from appearing on keywords irrelevant to them.

Create an Organized Campaign Structure

You are not limited to using one PPC ad. You will need different ads for different purposes and locations. For example, one can focus on spreading brand awareness, while another centers on lead generation.

Determine which structure suits your campaign based on your goals. It will allow you to keep everything in place from your budgeting, copywriting, and performance monitoring.

Focus on Call-only Campaigns

Call-only campaigns aim to encourage your target audience to give you a call. Most people use their smartphones when they browse the internet. So chances are that they will be on their devices when they see your ad.

Calling is more convenient than filling out a form. So convince your visitors to book an appointment over the phone. In addition, ensure that someone will be there to answer the call on your end.

Target Areas Near Your Location

Although promoting your practice nationwide may seem like the best idea, it may not be as wise as you think. You have a better chance to get new patients when you focus on your local area.

People prefer service providers that are near their homes or workplaces. So use local SEO practices to target your community. Create location-based ads, and do not forget to put your address on your ads.


Curate a Compelling Landing Page

Another common misconception with PPC ads is that they should lead people to your website. However, your website has a lot of information that can be overwhelming. It will not help you accomplish your goals.

Meanwhile, landing pages are more focused. For instance, if your visitor only wants to know you, you can provide a short history of your practice, services, and special offers for first-time patients and a clear call-to-action button.

Final Words

Dental advertising used to be limited to printed posters, brochures, and fliers. But it now has various options, thanks to the rise of different digital platforms. 

For small clinics just entering the field, PPC advertising gives them a chance to join the competition and even get ahead. PPC ads are practical, easy to set up, and quick to generate results.

They are perfect for spreading brand awareness, generating leads, and converting patients. Although tricky, you can always get assistance from advertising agencies with a lot of professional experience in putting out successful PPC campaigns.

All you have to do is to stay consistent and focus only on providing accurate information. After all, people need dental services they can trust.

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